FDOT Advanced Temporary Traffic Control Refresher Training (ONSITE)

Course Overview 

This is the Advanced level of the course and is held in a 8 hour – 1 day format.  This is the refresher class so an unexpired certification must show at the time of registration and testing.

This is the onsite version of this class.

In this course we will review the following topics; exploring real-world situations along with the policy foundations and tools/equipment used in maintenance of traffic / temporary traffic control:

  • Create clear and concise temporary traffic control plans excluding barriers
  • Understanding and application of traffic control devices on the APL
  • Ability to understand and apply concepts in Standard Plans 102-600 series
  • Set up and breakdown of traffic control zones
  • Consulting with Traffic Operations during construction operations expected to impact daily traffic flows
  • Referencing the appropriate Standard Plans Index and necessary modifications
  • Developing clear plan notes and specifications for temporary traffic control
  • Developing plans and notes to clearly identify work zone phasing

Training and Exam

The FDOT Maintenance of Traffic / Temporary Traffic Control – Intermediate level course is 16 hours in length including testing.  This class is held both On Site (In-person) as well as Online.  Feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.

Testing will include 50 multiple choice tests.  The test will be open book and open notes.  The instructor will prepare you for the tool necessary to complete the test and understand the material.  This preparation will focus on the use of the table of contents on index 102-600 sheet 1 of 11 and the table of contents denoting the typical applications found in index 102-601 through index 102-680.

Onsite courses allow for the instructor to better interact with he student.  And many individuals do not do well with the addition of interacting with the computer poses.  Tampa Bay Training, provides many Onsite Classes at your location with a minimum of 5 individuals (travel charges many apply based on location).

Online training classes are convenient and allow you to take the course from the comfort of your own home or office.

This is the onsite course.

Students will be provided with a copy of the standard plans (either electronically or print), MS PowerPoint  Notes, and quick reference handouts.

The successful student will be provided with a wallet card and certificate from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).

$250.00/person | Online 8-hours

Travel charges may apply based on zip code.

FDOT Intermediate Maintenance of Traffic (ONSITE)

The most-hassle free way to obtain your FDOT Maintenance of Traffic / FDOT Temporary Traffic Control Certification.  Take the onsite class at your location.  Tampa Bay Training can come to your location to provide training.  We have provided classes in a variety of environments through the State of Florida.

A certificate of completion and wallet card will be provided to the successful student.  The successful student will also be entitled to included on the official FDOT database for Maintenance of Traffic / Temporary Traffic Control Certifications (www.motadmin.com or www.ttcadmin.com)

  • “Maintenance of traffic (MOT), also known as temporary traffic control, is a process of establishing of a work zone, providing related transportation management and temporary traffic control on streets and highways right-of-way.”
  • “Standards of operations are established by the department of transportation of each state, and may vary from state to state.”
  • “In the United States, traffic control devices are set up according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, sometimes along with state supplements.”
  • In the State of Florida, the Florida Department of Transportation has its Standard Plans which supplements the FHWA’s MUTCD.
  • Tampa Bay Training provides you with the tools to use the FDOT Standard Plans to plan, set up, maintain and breakdown your temporary traffic control zones.  We will also prepare you to justify your work to various target audiences.

A certificate of completion and wallet card will be provided to the successful student.  The successful student will also be entitled to included on the official FDOT database for Maintenance of Traffic / Temporary Traffic Control Certifications (www.motadmin.com or www.ttcadmin.com)

Tampa Bay Training is approved by the Florida Department of Transportation and acknowledged under Providership # 213.  We are approved to teach the Basic (Flagger), Intermediate, Intermediate – Refresher, Advanced, and Advanced – Refresher classes.  Moreover, we provide them in the Onsite or Online formats to best meet the needs of our clients.

This is the Onsite Version.  If you prefer the Online version.


FDOT Temporary Traffic Control (Maintenance of Traffic) Training Handbook –
Entire handbook available for download at https://www.fdot.gov/docs/default-source/roadway/ttc/Temporary-Traffic-Control-Training-Handbook.pdf

The applicable Department and non-Department personnel must be trained in accordance with the following process for Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Training.

The Department provides for three categories of training. Determine the required category of training as follow

  1. Advanced and Advanced Refresher Training: Required for personnel with the authority and responsibility for making decisions on the specific TTC requirements to be implemented. These positions include the following:

a. The Professional Engineer responsible for the development of the Transportation Management Plan (TMP) and design of the TTC Plan.
b. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor in accordance with FDOT Standard Specifications, Section 102.
c. Personnel responsible for supervising the installation, removal and field maintenance of TTC devices, including temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions.
d. Personnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of temporary traffic control devices, including temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions.

  1. Intermediate and Intermediate Refresher Training: Required for personnel with duties that include any of the following activities:

a. Personnel responsible for supervising the installation, removal and field maintenance of TTC devices, excluding temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions.
b. Inspection of the placement or operational function of temporary traffic control devices, excluding temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions.

  1. Flagger Training: Required for all personnel flagging traffic.

Training for the Advanced, Advanced Refresher, Intermediate and Intermediate Refresher
categories must be performed by a Provider listed on the MOT Administration website.

Training for the Flagger category must be performed by either a Provider listed on the MOT Administration website or personnel holding a current certificate in the Advanced or Intermediate category. Only personnel trained through a Provider will be listed in the TQDBS.

There is no experience or prerequisite required for any category of training.

Any higher training course category may be substituted for a lower training course category. For example, Flagger training requirements are met by completing the Intermediate or Advanced training courses, and Intermediate training requirements are met by completing the Advanced training course.

Refresher courses, for all categories, are required every four years in order for all personnel to maintain a valid certification.

Successful completion of a training course is defined as the following: The students must pass the course exam with a score of 70% or greater and successfully complete the class exercises. A failing grade on any course exam requires the student to retake that same course prior to retesting.

If a certificate expires prior to passing a refresher course, the full Advanced or Intermediate course must be taken. Students should proactively schedule refresher courses well in advance of their certificate’s expiration date.

If a student is registered for a refresher course that will take place prior to their certificate’s expiration date and that same refresher course is cancelled by the Provider, the student may request an extension for qualification to take a refresher course instead of the full Advanced or Intermediate course. This extension request must be made through the MOT Administrator in writing prior to the expiration of the certificate. The determination of whether the request is granted or not will be at the sole discretion of the FDOT State Roadway Design Engineer or a delegate. Once the certificate expires, the student is prohibited from performing any duties associated with the certification until the refresher course is completed and a new certificate is received.

Upon successful completion of a training course, each individual will receive a wallet-sized card, which shows the student’s name, the Provider’s name and ID # (not applicable for Flaggers when not instructed by a Provider), the instructor’s name, the course category, the date the exam was successfully completed, and the expiration date. For all classes taken through Providers, the MOT Administrator will issue Certificates and list the individual in the TQDBS.

Professional Development Hours (PDH) are not automatically provided. It is the responsibility of each Provider to obtain certification by the appropriate board to be able to provide PDH’s for attending their class. If available, PDH Certificates will be provided separately from the MOT Certificate.

Course Length

16 hours

Target Audience

  • Local agency maintenance workers
  • Local agency roadway personnel
  • Public Works employees
  • Utility Employees
  • Wastewater Collection Technicians
  • Potable/Reclaimed Water Technicians
  • Surveyors
  • FDOT employees
  • FDOT and local agency contractor
  • Private consultant personnel in surveying, engineering, and underground utility
  • Federal, State, and local work zone traffic control planner, designer, superintendent, and inspector
  • Roadway construction crew personnel
  • Roadway maintenance crew personnel
  • Professional Engineers
  • Construction engineering inspector
  • Emergency responders
  • Police officers
  • Road rangers
  • People with the responsibility of supervising temporary traffic control zone
  • People with the responsibility of placing temporary traffic control devices and related planning

Certification Period

4 years.



The class is conducted in-person at your specified location, provided there is a minimum of five participants registered. A travel fee may apply, depending on zip code.

To schedule a class, please contact our office at 813.420.5891. Our administrative team will provide you with an estimate within 24 hours and help you arrange your class.


There are no prerequisites to register for this class.



A minimum of five (5) participants is required for private classes taught at your location.

The Florida Department of Transportation’s Intermediate Maintenance of Traffic / Temporary Traffic Control Certification class is a 16 hour class held over two days.  This class ends with a 50-question qualification test.  The class proceeds over two days over MS Teams and the test is hosted on Survey Monkey.

You have options.  If you are looking for a private training class for your organization or local government, we can hold the class at your location.  This option has a minimum of five registrations and may include a small trip charge.  If you are looking for training for yourself or a couple employees, you can enroll in our open enrollment classes.  You will likely not have to wait for more than a month or two for the next class to become available.  These classes are able to be viewed and registered for at FDOT MOT – Maintenance of Traffic / TTC | Eventbrite.

A certificate of completion and wallet card will be provided to the successful student.  The successful student will also be entitled to included on the official FDOT database for Maintenance of Traffic / Temporary Traffic Control Certifications (www.motadmin.com or www.ttcadmin.com) and be certified for a four-year period.  The student can take a 1-day refresher class if they do so before their certification expires.

PDH – Engineers

Engineers requesting Professional Development Hours will be able to request them during class. Your TTC Certificate will come from FDOT and your PDH Certificate of Hours will come from Tampa Bay Training.



Safety, Operations and Management Training Online and throughout Florida..We specialize in making your life easy by providing the training you need, when you need it and on your budget.

Provider of certifications & training for such agencies/training companies as: FDOT TTC (All Levels), FDEP FSESCI, Coaching Systems, JJ Keller, GI-BMP, CPR/AED/First, and more.

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