Stormwater & Landscape Management Classes

We work with both the University of Florida/IFAS to provide Green-Industries BMP classes and The Florida Department of Environmental Protection to (FDEP) to provide Florida Stormwater, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector (FSESCI) Training Courses.

Onsite Classes

Online Classes

Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector Training Program 

Tampa Bay Training is provider #15 in the state providing such training for more than a decade.

In fact, our Founder was in the first set of instructor classes and the second set of inspectors in the State of Florida. 

FDEP states that the goals of the FSESCI program “are to better educate installers and inspectors on proper Best Management Practice (BMP) selection, installation, layering and maintenance; and to train and qualify inspectors to correctly inspect BMPs for use during and after constructions so the impacts from uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation on the construction site are minimized.”

The FSESCI program is a one to two-day class that follows the curriculum in the Florida Stormwater, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector’s Manual.

Upon the completion of the class, a 1-hour proctored examination is administered and a minimum passing grade of 70 percent will receive the FSESCI Qualified Inspector certificate.

Becoming a FSESCI Qualified Inspector allows one to perform stormwater inspections in the State of Florida in fulfillment of the requirements of the NPDES Construction Generic Permit (CGP).

University of Florida / IFAS – Green Industries BMP

A GI-BMP training certificate is required by Florida law for fertilizer applicators to get their Limited Fertilizer Applicator Certification (LF license), and is useful for all lawn-care, landscape and pest control workers, landscape designers, government staff, property managers, and others.

The Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) training teaches science-based, environmentally safe landscaping practices that help conserve and protect Florida’s water.

Students successfully completing the 8-hour class and related exam will receive a University of Florida / Florida Department of Environmental Protection Certificate and the student can then request that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for their Limited Fertilizer Certification (LF) license and will receive this license..

Pinellas County Landscape BMP

If you get paid to mow, prune, edge, trim trees or use a blower in Pinellas County, then you must complete a Landscape Maintenance BMP course. This is 3-hour course that provides good information for those in the landscaping community.  This information is related to proper landscaping practices that effect our environmental quality.  This includes mowing, weed-whacking, pruning, equipment maintenance, irrigation maintenance, and provides resources.  With these resources the employee is free to provide educated advise to their public and private sector clients.

Students successfully completing the class and associated quiz will receive a certificate and wallet card from Tampa Bay Training and a vehicle decal from Pinellas County.

Safety, Operations and Management Training Online and throughout Florida..We specialize in making your life easy by providing the training you need, when you need it and on your budget.

Provider of certifications & training for such agencies/training companies as: FDOT TTC (All Levels), FDEP FSESCI, Coaching Systems, JJ Keller, GI-BMP, CPR/AED/First, and more.

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